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Armed groups from the Burmese ethnic group are fighting junta forces in the ruby ​​region and the rich mining area today, the group and residents told AFP, reporting about civilians killed in bombings and airstrikes.

The Ta’ang Liberation Army (TNLA) attacked junta forces earlier this week in Mandalay province in neighboring Shan State, violating a ceasefire brokered by China in January. His troops are in Mogok, a mountainous town rich in rubies, sapphires, spinels, aquamarine and other precious stones, General Tar Bhone Kyaw told AFP, without giving details.

AFP could not reach a government spokesman for comment. Residents of Mogok told AFP that the town has been bombarded with mortars and airstrikes by military aircraft since fighting in the area began on Tuesday.

As far as I know, four people, including two women, were killed yesterday as a result of the explosion, a 57-year-old resident of Mogok, who did not want to be named, told AFP. He said he and his family were fleeing to another place after the roof of their house was damaged in an airstrike.

We have no experience like this. This was the first serious battle in the city of Mogok.

Myanmar produces most of the world’s rubies, and the high-quality stones of Mogok – known as pigeon’s blood for their red color – can fetch more carats than diamonds. The industry is notoriously rare, with precious rubies often being transported across the border to Thailand or China to be sold directly to buyers or to be processed. be gold.

For decades, the Burmese government and its opposition have taxed the income of the region’s miners. Fighting continues in the town of Kyaukme, in neighboring Shan State, a local rescuer told AFP today.

At least 10 civilians have been killed and more than 20 injured since the conflict began on Tuesday, he said. The fighting undermined the Chinese compensation plan that ended the fighting a few weeks ago in Shan State earlier this year between the TNLA and two other allied tribes.

In a stunning offensive in October, the coalition seized territory and several lucrative trade routes with China, dealing the regime its worst attack since taking power.

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